Teaching the Uncompromising Living Word of God

Spirit Food Christian Center is a local church based in Winnetka, CA.  Our purpose is to feed the spirits of those who hunger and thirst after righteousness.  We aim to equip believers so that they may know how to give a reasonable answer to anyone who does not have a personal relationship with Jesus the Savior.  We teach and preach the uncompromising word of God.  We believe the best way to communicate the gospel is through lives which have been successfully changed through a personal encounter with Jesus Christ.

Special Announcements

Visit our online store
Check out the Spirit Food Christian Center online store. We offer digital downloads of select teching series including “Lip Service” & “How to have Successful Fellowship”, 2 brand new four-part CD Series, by Pastor Garry D. Zeigler. These dynamic teachings will explain the things you should know about the power of your words & how to have successful fellowship with your Father God. These series are also available on compact disc at the Spirit Food bookstore table.

Freedom Young Adult Ministry
Calling all Young Adults! Join us for Bible Study every Friday at 5:30pm on Spirit Food’s Instagram page @myspiritfood. Grow with us as we learn what it means to be free in Christ! Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is FREEDOM! See you there!!

Church Bus Help
We are looking for a few strong men to help our driver Ritchie with pick up’s & drop-offs. We need your assistance in helping our wheelchair bound; disabled or elderly parishioners get on and off our church vehicle. Please speak with Kel Mitchell or call the church office to get more information. Thank you for being a blessing to our congregation.

Please continue to support our young adults between the ages of 17-25 in their spiritual education at SOBI as well as those in Helps Ministry. Use the offering code designated “SOBI” when giving so that you can receive a “tax deduction” at the end of the year. NO AMOUNT IS TOO SMALL!!!

Service Schedule & Office Hours

Office Hours
Monday – Thursday, 9:00am – 4:00pm

TUESDAY’s at Spirit Food Christian Center

Wisdom from Above Bible Study – 10:00am – 11:00am via Zoom – Join the Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 815 7899 2658 Passcode: 270600

Intercessory Prayer – 6:00pm – Live in the SFCC sanctuary and via Zoom Join the Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 236 939 5679 Passcode: 685054

Adult Bible Study – 6:30pm – Live in the SFCC Sanctuary and via live stream

SUNDAY’s at Spirit Food Christian Center

Intercessory Prayer – 9:00am – Live in the SFCC sanctuary

Praise & Worship – 9:30am – Live in the SFCC sanctuary

Worship Service – 10:00am Live in the SFCC Sanctuary and via live stream

Children’s Church – 10:00am – 11:30am – Live in the SFCC Classroom

Teen Church – 10:00am – 11:30am – Live in the SFCC Chapel

TUESDAY – THURSDAY’s at Spirit Food Christian Center
Enroll in our biblical school called S.O.B.I (School of Biblical Instruction). The school is designed for the students to take the required courses at their own rate with the exception of those who believe they have a calling upon their life. Our mission is to provide students with quality Biblical teaching through anointed experienced instructors in a manner that results in practical application in their daily lives.

Coming Up Next

Tuesday, October 15, 2024
  • 6:00 pm

    Intercessory Prayer - Live in-person & Via Zoom

    SFCC Sanctuary and Streamed via Zoom

    Every Tuesday night is a time of Intercessory Prayer & Bible Study. Intercessory Prayer begins at 6:30pm & immediately following is Bible Study at 7:30pm in the SFCC chapel.
    Join us as we continue to renew our understanding in God's Word!
    Romans 12:2 - And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

  • 6:30 pm

    Adult Bible Study - Live in-person & Live Streaming

    Join us for live in-person Adult Bible Study in the SFCC sanctuary or join us via live beginning at 7:30pm each Tuesday.

Friday, October 18, 2024
  • 5:30 pm

    Freedom Young Adult Ministry

    Calling all Young Adults! Join us for Bible Study every Friday at 5:30pm on Spirit Food’s Instagram page @myspiritfood. Grow with us as we learn what it means to be free in Christ! Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is FREEDOM! See you there!!

Sunday, October 20, 2024
  • 9:00 am

    Intercessory Prayer

  • 9:30 am

    Praise & Worship

    Enjoy Praise and Worship live in the main SFCC sanctuary before Sunday service.

  • 10:00 am

    Children's Church

    SFCC Classrooms

    Parents! You've been asking and now Children's Church is back In-person! Please stop by the Hostess table in the lobby on your way into service to check-in your Teens, 2 - 5 year old's or 6 - 11 year old's BEFORE you go into the sanctuary and enjoy Praise and Worship as a family at 9:30am. The Youth will be released to their classrooms immediately after opening prayer. Masks are required for the Youth and we will be social distancing. Our teachers are very excited to welcome back our Youth & we have lots of Fun & Exciting Lessons planned for them to grow in their Love for JESUS! Once service is over please do not delay in checking-out your children from their classroom's or the play yard. Tell your friends, tell your family Children's Church is Back!

  • 10:00 am

    Teen Church

    Live in the SFCC Chapel and Streamed online

    Teens ages 12-19 We are now back in person meeting in the SFCC Church Chapel every Sunday morning! We will also be live streaming our Teen Church service on Sundays at 10:00am (pst) via Instagram, exclusively on the Spirit Food page @myspiritfood. Please follow us for real time updates

  • 10:00 am

    Worship service - Baptism and Baby Dedication


    The second Sunday of each month is Fellowship Sunday. New members will receieve the right hand of fellowship.

Church Announcements

Mother’s Room
Parents please do not leave your child unattended in the Mother’s room. Parent or Adult Supervision is required. Thank you for your help!
Parents of the Youth
Parents, the 2 -5 year old class starts at 9:30 am. Please remember to escort them to the classroom, to sign them in and pick them up immediately after service. Thank you for your help!

Did you like last week’s message? Well Stop by the bookstore table in the foyer area after service to pick up a copy of today’s message, prior messages and also the messages from our Tuesday bible study service. We also have books available that will surely feed your Spirit.

Don’t miss out on this blessed opportunity!

Young Adults

Calling All young adults!!! If you are 19-25 years old, we are looking for you! The young adults of SFCC are coming together to be about our Father’s business. Please see Anisha Bowman or Kionna Crosby to sign up for news and updates. 2016 is going to be exciting!

CD Blow Out Giveaway

Bless someone with a FREE CD! Give it away as a gift or use it to renew your understanding of the Word. All of your favorite SFCC messages from the years 2013 and prior are available. Don’t miss out on this blessed opportunity; stop by the Bookstore this Sunday.