This week, Pastor Garry D. Zeigler of Spirit Food Christian Center continues teaching the message titled “Sensual Expressions X-rayed by God.” The subtitle for this seventh part of the message is “Sin is Selfish”. We are more than just a physical body; we are a spirit. Therefore, when our sole focus is the amount of pleasure we can derive from our physical senses, we are encouraging problems in our life. Pastor Zeigler tells the story of a plaque he encountered in a hospital honoring the gentlemen who had donated the resources for the construction of a dedicated hospital wing. Written on the plaque was the donor’s favorite quote – it read “There is no privilege you can enjoy that can be separated from its corresponding responsibility”. The same is true with privileges we have available through God’s word. Pastor Zeigler breaks this down by looking at the different types of love defined in the Bible and looks at the responsibilities when evaluating our responsibilities in the context of intimate behavior.