Pastor Garry D. Zeigler of Spirit Food Christian Center delves into the power of faith and speech in his transformative sermon, “How to Receive From God: Life is in the Tongue.” Drawing from the command to “Have faith in God,” Pastor Zeigler illuminates how this directive extends beyond mere belief to embodying the God kind of faith—a faith that speaks and acts.
Through the parable of the fig tree, where Jesus demonstrates the authority of spoken faith by speaking to the tree, Pastor Zeigler reveals the profound principle that faith operates not in the realm of our thoughts but in the conviction of our heart. He emphasizes that what we vocalize in faith, believing in our hearts and not doubting in our minds, has the power to manifest in our reality.
This sermon teaches that our words are not just sounds but vessels of life, capable of carrying our faith into the physical world to bring about change. Pastor Zeigler encourages believers to practice this God kind of faith, assuring that when we align our hearts with God’s truth and declare it boldly, we open ourselves to receive abundantly from God.
Tune into this enlightening message to learn how the power of your tongue, fueled by faith in God, can transform your life and bring forth the blessings God has in store for you.