HOW TO THINK AND ACT LIKE A SOUL WINNER: Soul Winners / Missionaries are “on a mission” with God. Jesus The Christ promised to go with His devoted followers as they minister in a needy world, seeking to reach those who are eternally lost (Matthew 28: 19-20). He will go with you as you seek to minister. You are not alone! Soul Winners / Missionaries begin to minister where God is already working around them. Be spiritually alert and responsive when doors for ministry open around you. Wherever you go, God is “already there first.” Look for ways He is already softening hearts and creating opportunities for you to minister in His name. If you are truly led by God, He will provide you with the peace and direction that you will need.
Soul Winners / Missionaries seek to reach specific people groups and introduce them to Jesus The Christ. Soul Winners / Missionaries work hard to understand the culture of those they seek to reach. Soul Winners / Missionaries work to relate eternal truths in understandable language, guarding against words that only long-term Christians use and understand. Find the tools to help you share the good news of Jesus The Christ in a relevant manner.
Soul Winners / Missionaries have a deep sense of being “called by God” to their field of ministry. Your personal relationship with God and a confident assurance that He wants you to minister will keep you passionate and focused in ministry. You are in the midst of an awesome move of God! His desire is that “none should perish” (2 Peter 3: 9, 10), and by His Spirit, He will work with you so others will come to know Him personally. Your role as a Soul Winner is huge in God’s worldwide plan!
Minister Watson, SOBI INSTRUCTOR