Pastor Garry D. Zeigler from Spirit Food Christian Center in Winnetka, California begins teaching a new message titled “Simply because you asked”. This week Pastor explains that when you enjoy the word that the Lord has given unto you simply because you asked it encourages you to ask for more, it encourages you to rejoice after you ask, it encourages you to rejoice even before you ask, because he said simply because you ask it is granted unto you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. When we as believers have this understanding that our petitions are granted unto us simply because we asked in the name of Jesus and you know that it is done and you believed you received by faith when you get from your position of prayer you begin accelerating in your praise and worship because you believe you got it before it manifests. To find out what else he said about this subject, watch this awesome bible study teaching, and make sure that you watch our other video series on our YouTube channel.