Wise Men always Worship Jesus

Pastor Garry D. Zeigler from Spirit Food Christian Center in Winnetka, California begins teaching a message titled “Wise Men always Worship Jesus”. This week we take a look at the book of Matthew which is the book of the generation of Jesus Christ. This is a written record of Jesus ancestry in the earth realm.  Learn how royalty was on both sides of Joseph and Mary’s family. We Christians are people that are kings and…

Joseph and Mary’s Gift – Luke 2

This week, Pastor Garry D. Zeigler of Spirit Food Christian Center in Winnetka, California teaches a special Christmas message titled “Joseph and Mary’s Gift”. The foundational scripture for this message is Luke 2.  In this teaching, Pastor Zeigler reviews Luke’s account of the birth of Jesus.  Pastor Zeigler explains how the story represents a movement of God in the earth realm. Joseph and Mary understood that their child had to fulfill God’s purpose for him.…

Christian Fundamentals – Part 9

This week, Pastor Garry D. Zeigler of Spirit Food Christian Center in Winnetka, California continues teaching his message titled “Christian Fundamentals”. The foundational scripture for this message is Hebrews 6. In this ninth part of the message, Pastor Zeigler talks about the judgement of God. God, is a judge, and we will be judged according to how we adhere to His word. Pastor Zeigler examines scriptures which cover the story of Sodom & Gomorrah. Don’t…

God Makes a Difference between the World and his People – Part 1

Pastor Garry D. Zeigler from Spirit Food Christian Center in Winnetka, California begins teaching a message titled “God Makes a Difference between the World and his People”. There are going to be challenges and calamities and tribulations in the world, but Jesus told us to be of good cheer for I have already overcome the world. God has already made it clear in the scriptures that we are his people. Just because the world is…

Christian Fundamentals – Part 8

This week, Pastor Garry D. Zeigler of Spirit Food Christian Center in Winnetka, California continues teaching his message titled “Christian Fundamentals”. The foundational scripture for this message is Hebrews 6. In this eighth part of the message, Pastor Zeigler goes into detail about the resurrection of the dead. People who are afraid of death live in bondage, when ultimately, there is no way to avoid it. Pastor Zeigler talks about how Jesus took on a…

The Power of Patience

“That ye be not slothful, but followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises.” Hebrews 6:12 What do you do after you’ve prayed and believed God according to His promises in His word? You of course thank Him and praise Him that it is done.  Then you keep your vision alive through patience.  Patience chooses to endure without weakening.  It stays on course until the promise is manifested.  Love is the engine…

God’s Energy Conservation Plan – Part 1

Pastor Garry D. Zeigler from Spirit Food Christian Center in Winnetka, California begins teaching a message titled “God’s Energy Conservation Plan”. God has an energy conservation plan for his people. If you let God do the work you can sit down and rest. If you do all the work God will sit down. Give all your cares, all your worries all of your anxiety to him. As shown in 1st Peter 5:7, we are told…

Hold to the Faith

This week, we are honored to present a message from a very special guest, Apostle Theron Feemster, Jr.  The title of Apostle Feemster’s message is “Hold to the Faith”.  Without faith, it is impossible to please God.  It doesn’t matter what the situation is, or what the circumstances might be. As Christains, we must trust and faith in the Lord.  Don’t miss this inspiring message and watch our other video series on our YouTube channel.