Being a Soul Winner – Part 12

HOW TO THINK AND ACT LIKE A SOUL WINNER: Soul Winners / Missionaries are “on a mission” with God. Jesus The Christ promised to go with His devoted followers as they minister in a needy world, seeking to reach those who are eternally lost (Matthew 28: 19-20). He will go with you as you seek to minister. You are not alone! Soul Winners / Missionaries begin to minister where God is already working around them.…


For me cussing is still a habit to break. And I come from a family where swearing meant grounding and no TV. Even ‘darn’ made their not-in-this-house list. Now I’m a faithful churchgoer, a S.O.B.I. student, and determined to spend as much time as possible thinking on things true, pure and lovely. Yet, when I hit my finger with a hammer, I don’t say ‘ouch,’ I say #!&%@#! Why? What demons are invading my spirit?…

Being a Soul Winner – Part 11

How to Think and act Like a Soul Winner:  The last night before Jesus The Christ went to the cross, He prepared His disciples (including future disciples – us!), for the response they might anticipate when they follow Him while living in a spiritually lost world. “If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated Me first. If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is,…

Who Blessed You?!

Mark 5 states, “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” I had an outfit on the other day that one of my co-workers really enjoyed. She said, “ I love your outfit, where did you get it from?” I replied with gratitude and told her where. Another person, the same day, remarked on my outfit as well, and I told…

The Joy of the Lord Is My Strength

The mature believer in Christ is supposed to have certain identifiable characteristics. In this manner not only do we give glory and honor to our Lord Jesus Christ, but we also encourage the body of Christ. By our faithfulness in the face of a fallen world we proclaim the Gospel by our trust in Jesus Christ and His written word, the Bible. Let us briefly examine the second attribute of the fruit of the Spirit…


        “Acquaint yourself with Him, and be at peace:          thereby good shall come to you…For then you shall          have delight in the Almighty…” (Job 22:21&26)         Delight.  What a word.  It’s defined as great joy and pleasure, and also as both giving and gaining great joy and pleasure.  And this from Job, a man who suffered greatly under Satan.         “Call the sabbath a delight…Then shall…

Being a Soul Winner – Part 9

PREPARING TO BE A SOUL WINNER FOR THE MISSION FIELD: Contact other soul winners and missionaries, especially if you are most interested in foreign soul winning. Talk to those who are or have been in the same country in which you are interested. Ask about their duties, living and working conditions, the people, the culture, the food and the languages. Attend a Soul Winner training school with courses that include – Old and New Testament…

Going to Church

In the past, when I told certain friends that I attended Believers’ Conventions, they looked at me like “What happened to you?” Throw in speaking in tongues, and I dropped off their guest lists. So I kept quiet, until I got a bad cough. Then it was either the free clinic or the Holy Spirit. I looked for a miracle, because the only hospital I could afford was County. Fast forward to the ICU where…

Being a Soul Winner – Part 6

We must individually decide to commit to follow Jesus The Christ as Lord and Savior. Then we can know and experience God’s love and plan for our lives. “If you confess with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord’ and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.” Romans 10:9-10. “Behold I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come…

The Fragrance of Your Life

I recently heard a pastor say, “Your life should be a sweet fragrance unto the Lord”. Subsequently, an image of God’s face came to mind. His nose was scrunched up and he was frowning, you know, the face you make when something smells awful.. Then I thought, If my life was a scent, how does it smell to God? In Ephesians 5:2 it states, “And walk in love, as Christ also hath loved us, and…