Jesus Notifications

This week Youth Pastor Kel Mitchell of Spirit Food Christian in Winnetka teaches a message titled “Jesus Notifications”. A lot of people these days use social media accounts such as Instagram or Facebook. For example, we can post a story on Instagram, and for 24 hours the people that follow us will be able to view it. Since stories are only visible for 24 hours, they can be easy to miss. That’s why Instagram users…

The Third Person of the Godhead – Part 4: Getting High on God’s Terms

This week, Pastor Garry D. Zeigler of Spirit Food Christian continues teaching the message titled “The Third Person of the Godhead”. The fourth part of the message has the subtitle “Getting High on God’s Terms”. These days people are so worried about everything that’s going on in the world. The news cycles are constantly delivering bad news, and it seems that the end of the world is imminent. This can have a negative effect on…

Eyes to See – Part 2

Minister Anisha “Preach” Bowman from Spirit Food Christian Center in Winnetka, California teaches the message “Eyes to See – Part 2”. To find out what else she said about this subject, watch this awesome bible study teaching, and make sure that you watch our other video series on our YouTube channel.

Are You a Faithful and Loyal Steward or Servant of The Lord?

This week, Minister Grace Mebane of Spirit Food Christian Center teaches a message titled “Are You a Faithful and Loyal Steward or Servant of The Lord?”  This is a question that we must answer for ourselves. It is written that it is essential that a steward be found faithful, proving himself worthy of trust.  We can find out more about faithfulness by looking at examples of how God has been faithful to us. In looking…

The Third Person of the Godhead – Part 3

This week, Pastor Garry D. Zeigler of Spirit Food Christian continues teaching the message titled “The Third Person of the Godhead”. The third person of the Godhead is the Holy Spirit. In this third part of the message, Pastor Zeigler lets us know that since we have accepted Christ, we are now filled with the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit dwells with us with the evidence of speaking in other tongues. For Christians, speaking in…

The Foundation Part One: The Site

This week Youth Pastor Kel Mitchell of Spirit Food Christian in Winnetka teaches a message titled “The Foundation Part One: The Site”. When a building is constructed, the first step is the build the foundation. The foundation is the most crucial part of the structure, since without a solid foundation, the building would have no strength. Once the foundation has been built, and the building rises out of the ground, the foundation is no longer…

The Third Person of the Godhead – Part 2

This week, Pastor Garry D. Zeigler of Spirit Food Christian continues teaching the message titled “The Third Person of the Godhead”.  The third person of the Godhead is the Holy Spirit. In this second part of the message, Pastor Zeigler teaches us about speaking in tongues. For many people unfamiliar with what’s written in the Bible, and even for some newly born-again believers, this can raise a lot of questions. Pastor Zeigler explains why as…

The Third Person of the Godhead

This week, Pastor Garry D. Zeigler of Spirit Food Christian teaches a message titled “The Third Person of the Godhead”.  The third person of the Godhead is the Holy Spirit. God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit are three different things, yet they are one. As Christians, we must acknowledge and begin the flow with and follow the direction and leading Holy Spirit. It is the Holy Spirit that was given…

Ruth’s Faithful Redeemer

This week, Pastor Garry D. Zeigler of Spirit Food Christian teaches a message titled “Ruth’s Faithful Redeemer”.  The words that are written in the scriptures are given to us to serve as an anchor to our souls. So, in this context, we’re talking about an anchor for our minds that will help ensure our thinking is in line with God’s word.  It is written that God is a rewarder of those that diligently seek Him.…

Receiving What You Can’t See

This week, Minister Anisha “Preach” Bowman of Spirit Food Christian teaches a message titled “Receiving What You Can’t See”.  In this teaching, Minister Bowman addresses how difficult it can be believing that we can receive something that we can’t see manifested in the material world. She shares some personal stories from her own experience, and discusses the conscious decision she made to believe God. She references the scriptural basis we can use to believe that…