Growing in Faith is the way to Maturity

This week Pastor Garry Zeigler of Spirit Food Christian Center in Winnetka continues teaching about spiritual growth with a message titled “Growing in Faith is the way to Maturity”. In this hard-hitting message, Pastor Zeigler talks about the need for us to grow in our faith. It is written that whatever things we desire, when we pray we must believe that we receive them and we shall have them.  However, there may be circumstances and situations…

Are You Growing Up in Faith?

This week Pastor Garry Zeigler of Spirit Food Christian Center in Winnetka continues teaching about spiritual growth with a message titled “Are You Growing Up in Faith?”. In order to grow spiritually, it is important to grow in faith.  Spiritual growth and development are required for all of us who have received Jesus Christ as our Lord and savior.  There is no substitute for the word of God and it is required if we are to…

Growing in Faith is the Way to Maturity

This week Pastor Garry Zeigler of Spirit Food Christian Center in Winnetka continues teaching about spiritual growth with a message titled “Growing in Faith is the Way to Maturity”.  The foundational scripture for this message is Hebrews 11:6. When we as Christians have determined that we’re going to be spiritually mature in the Lord, we must understand that will involve growing up in faith.  Often, when the term faith is considered, the focus shifts to…

How to Measure Your Spiritual Growth – Part 3

This week Pastor Garry Zeigler of Spirit Food Christian Center in Winnetka continues teaching his message titled “How to Measure Your Spiritual Growth”.  When we look at ourselves as believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, it’s important that we should also be measuring our growth.  As we grow and mature in the Lord, there should be evidence of our growth.  It is this growth that will enable us to live victoriously in all aspects of…

How to Measure Your Spiritual Growth – Part 2

This week Pastor Garry Zeigler of Spirit Food Christian Center in Winnetka continues teaching on “How To Measure Your Spiritual Growth” The foundational text for this message comes from Ephesians 4. As Christians we have both an outer man (Physical) and an inner man (Spiritual). As we grow in both of these areas God is measuring our Spiritual Man; and as Christians, it is important that we feed, nurture, and care for our Spiritual being…

How to Measure Your Spiritual Growth – Part 1

This week Pastor Garry Zeigler of Spirit Food Christian Center in Winnetka teaches a message titled “How To Measure Your Spiritual Growth” The foundational text for this message comes from Ephesians 4. As Christians we have both an outer man (Physical) and an inner man (Spiritual). As we grow in both of these areas God is measuring our Spiritual Man; and as Christians, it is important that we feed, nurture, and care for our Spiritual…

Happy Father’s Day – Getting Your House In Order

This week Pastor Garry Zeigler of Spirit Food Christian Center in Winnetka teaches a special message titled “Father’s Day – Get Your House in Order”. The foundational scripture for this message is 1 Timothy 3:5. Typically, when we think of a father, we think about someone who has been responsible for bringing a child into the world.  However, we can describe a father in a much broader sense than that.  A father is also one who…

Beware of Identity Theives

This week Pastor Garry D. Zeigler from Spirit Food Christian Center in Winnetka, California starts teaching a new message titled “Beware of Identity Thieves”.  He starts the message by talking about our identity in Christ, and how as Christians we should always be taking steps to ensure we protect it.  That means firstly recognizing the what it means to identify as a Christian, and secondly ensuring that we are walking in the power and privileges…

The Joy of the Lord

This week we have a special message from Spirit Food Christian Center’s First Lady, Antonia Zeigler.  The title of this message is “Get Your Joy Back”.  Mrs. Zeigler takes some time in this message to talk about the joy of the Lord that we have within our soul.  It is our choice to allow that joy into our lives.  Happiness will come, and it will go, but it’s joy that we received in the new…


This week we have a special message from Spirit Food Christian Center member, Kel Mitchell.  The title of this message is “Belief-ish” and it’s a title inspired by the popular ABC television show “Blackish”.  The television show features a black family who questions how “black” they really are, hence the title “Black-ish”.  Kel challenges us to ask the same question about our level of belief.  Are we really believing in God’s word?  Or are we…