The Lord is Good – Part 2

This week Pastor Garry D. Zeigler of Spirit Food Christian Center in Winnetka, California continues teaching his message titled “The Lord is Good”.  The foundational scripture for this message is Psalms 137. In the second part of the message, Pastor Zeigler starts by talking about his experiences traveling overseas, and how he’s witnessed the dedication by some individuals of other faiths, even though they don’t believe in God. Pastor Zeigler talks about how we are…

The Lord is Good

This week Pastor Garry D. Zeigler of Spirit Food Christian Center in Winnetka, California starts teaching a new message titled “The Lord is Good”.  The foundational scripture for this message is Psalms 137. What we learn from this scripture is that the Lord’s mercy endures forever.  Pastor then goes on to talk about the story of the prodigal son, and the illustration of forgiveness.  He also shares one of his own personal stories recounting how…

The Rewards of Obedience

This week Pastor Garry D. Zeigler of Spirit Food Christian Center in Winnetka, California starts teaching a new message titled “The Rewards of Obedience”.  The foundational scripture for this message is Isaiah 1:19. Pastor Zeigler starts this message by sharing a personal story from his childhood, where he describes how he received the revelation of the rewards of obedience.  He uses this story to help us understand the love that God has for us, and…

Armed and Extremely Dangerous – Part 2

This week Minister Grace Mebane of Spirit Food Christian Center in Winnetka, California continues teaching her message titled “Armed and Extremely Dangerous”.  The foundational scripture for this message is 2 Corinthians 10:4-5. In this second part of the message, Minister Mebane revisits the key principles we learned about how the key battles and challenges that we have in life are spiritual in nature. However, it is written that God will keep us in perfect peace and…

Just Doing Jesus

This week Pastor Garry D. Zeigler of Spirit Food Christian Center in Winnetka, California starts teaching a new message titled “Just Doing Jesus”.  In this teaching Pastor Zeigler delivers a very concise message.  It is written that God’s people are destroyed through a lack of knowledge.  Pastor Zeigler explains in an easy to understand way what that actually means.  If we don’t have knowledge of God’s word, it’s impossible for us to implement it in…

Ministry Gifts

This week Pastor Garry D. Zeigler of Spirit Food Christian Center in Winnetka, California starts teaching a new message titled “Ministry Gifts”.  The foundational scripture for this message is Ephesians 4. In this chapter of scripture, we learn that we have been sent some apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, some pastors, and some teachers.  We have been sent these people for the purpose of perfecting or maturing of the saints.  Each has a distinct role…

So Fresh, So Clean

This week Pastor Garry D. Zeigler of Spirit Food Christian Center in Winnetka, California delivers a combined communion service and a message titled “So Fresh, So Clean”.  The foundational scripture for this message is 1 John 1:9. In this unique message Pastor Zeigler encourages us to examine our lifestyle.  Are we living according to God’s word?  It is written, that if we confess our sins, that he is faithful and just to forgive us our…

God is Color Blind – Part 2

This week Pastor Garry D. Zeigler of Spirit Food Christian Center in Winnetka, California continues teaching his message titled “God is Color Blind”.  The foundational scriptures for this message are Acts 10:28 and Acts 10:34. In this second part of the message, Pastor Zeigler talks about the impact that the world’s perception of color and ethnic background can influence the aspirations and expectations of young people today. If we’re not grounded in the Lord, and…

God is Color Blind

This week Pastor Garry D. Zeigler of Spirit Food Christian Center in Winnetka, California starts teaching a new message titled “God is Color Blind”.  The foundational scriptures for this message are Acts 10:28 and Acts 10:34. In this message, Pastor Zeigler talks about how God is no respecter of persons. Essentially, through this scripture, we learn that God does not show partiality towards one person over another.  It doesn’t matter what the person looks like,…

Armed and Extremely Dangerous

This week Minister Grace Mebane of Spirit Food Christian Center in Winnetka, California starts teaching a new message titled “Armed and Extremely Dangerous”.  The foundational scripture for this message is 2 Corinthians 10:4-5. In this message, Minister Mebane discuss how the key battles and challenges that we have in life are spiritual in nature.  Circumstances and situations may appear contrary to Christ’s word.  What we meditate on is what we will have faith for.  Therefore,…