It Pays to Obey – Part 1

This week Pastor Garry Zeigler of Spirit Food Christian Center in Winnetka continues starts teaching a new message titled “It Pays to Obey”. The foundational scripture for this message is 1 Samuel 15:22. When you choose to obey God’s word, you have made the best choice.  You will be blessed and have manifestations of God’s ability in your life.  In order to benefit from the will of God, we must be prepared to obey God. …

How God Works – Part 4

This week Pastor Garry Zeigler of Spirit Food Christian Center in Winnetka continues teaching his message titled “How God Works”. The foundational scripture for this message is Mark 11:23 – 24. Pastor Zeigler starts by reviewing the material covered so far.  He then moves on to specifically express that we need the “God type of faith”.  The only way to achieve that, is to ensure that we continue to hear, read, and meditate in God’s…

How God Works – Part 3

This week Pastor Garry Zeigler of Spirit Food Christian Center in Winnetka continues teaching his message titled “How God Works”. The foundational scripture for this message is Mark 11:23 – 24.  We know from the Bible, that God is not going to change.  What is written was true yesterday, is true today and will be true forever.  Therefore, it’s up to us to follow in line with the way that God does things if we’re…

How God Works – Through Blood Covenant Communion

This week, we join Pastor Garry Zeigler of Spirit Food Christian Center in Winnetka as he concludes Sunday’s communion service.  He then continues teaching his message titled “How God Works” with the subtitle “Through Blood Covenant Communion”. Pastor Zeigler talks about how our covenant with God is guaranteed by the blood of Jesus.  He also teaches us about the implications of a blood covenant and shares the history of covenant relationships in the Bible.  Don’t…

How God Works – Part 1

This week Pastor Garry Zeigler of Spirit Food Christian Center in Winnetka starts teaching a new message titled “How God Works”. The foundational scripture for this message is Mark 11:23 – 24. In the scripture, we learn by example from Jesus, that God works by faith.  Whatever we desire, when we pray, we are to believe that we receive it and we shall have whatever we say.  Pastor Zeigler then goes on to talk about…

Are You S.A.N.E.?

This week Minister Grace Mebane of Spirit Food Christian Center in Winnetka starts teaching a new message titled “Are You S.A.N.E.?” The acronym S.A.N.E. stands for “Set Above the Natural Elements”.  There are so many disturbing events occurring in the world today.  You only need to turn on the television news for a moment to understand that there are a lot of terrible things taking place.  As Christians, we are instructed to set our affection…

Denying the Grace of God – Part 4

This week Minister Grace Mebane of Spirit Food Christian Center in Winnetka continues teaching her message titled “Denying the Grace of God”.  In this fourth part of the message, Minister Mebane talks about some of the things that we do that result in us denying His grace.  As an example, many of us believe that God has forgiven our sins, yet we don’t believe God when it comes to healing.  It’s not that we don’t…

Do You Know How God Works? Part 2 This week Pastor Garry D. Zeigler of Spirit Food Christian Center in Winnetka continues teaching his message titled “Do You Know How God Works?”.  The foundational scripture for this message is Romans Chapter 3.   In this second part of the message, Pastor Zeigler asks us, “Why do people say that God works in mysterious ways?”  However, there is nothing mysterious about the way that God works.  We have been given His word, which if…

Do You Know How God Works?

This week Pastor Garry D. Zeigler of Spirit Food Christian Center in Winnetka teaches a message titled “Do You Know How God Works?”.  The foundational scripture for this message is Romans Chapter 3.   Sometimes, it’s possible to think that God is absent, or that He is asleep.   If God is alive; if He is all seeing and all knowing, then why doesn’t He just do what needs to be done?  There is nothing…

Spiritual Olympics – Part 2 This week Pastor Garry D. Zeigler of Spirit Food Christian Center in Winnetka continues teaching his message titled “Spiritual Olympics”.  The foundational scripture for this message is 1 Corinthians 9:27.  Our walk as Christians is not dissimilar to that of an Olympic athlete.  Athletes strive for mastery in their chosen sport.  As Christians, we must bring the hard work and intensity to our walk with the Lord, that an athlete brings to the Olympics. We…