The Word Works

This week, Pastor Garry Zeigler of Spirit Food Christian Center in Winnetka, California teaches a message titled “The Word Works”. Pastor Zeigler helps us understand that God functions by his word and God and his word are one. If God gives his word, then he will stand by his word just as we are one with our word. Our words control our lives. We have today what we said yesterday. We all live by our…

Denying the Grace of God Part 2

This week, Minister Grace Mebane of Spirit Food Christian Center in Winnetka, California teaches a message titled “Denying the Grace of Christ”.  In this educational message, Minister Mebane picks up where she left off and looks at scriptures in 2 Timothy which  discusses an outward appearance of Godliness, yet at the same time denying the divine ability of God.  This phenomenon is increasing in modern times, where Christians are acting contrary to God’s Word through…

Arrested Development – Part 1

This week Pastor Garry D. Zeigler of Spirit Food Christian Center started teaching a new message titled “Arrested Development”.  The foundational scripture is ! John 3:8.  It is written that He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning.  In other words, a habitual lifestyle of sin is of the devil.  However, in Christ, we are victorious.  We have been given the victory over the devil.  He is under…

Who is my mother?

This week Pastor Garry D. Zeigler of Spirit Food Christian Center teaches a special Mother’s day message titled “Who is my mother?”  There are two ways that a mother can be characterized.  Of course, a woman who has given birth to a child is a mother in the natural sense.  However, there is also a mother in the spiritual sense.  In the gospel of Matthew in chapter 12:48-50, Jesus says that those who hear the…

How to Understand God – Part 1

This week Pastor Garry D. Zeigler of Spirit Food Christian Center starts teaching a new message titled “How to Understand God”.  The foundational scripture for this message is Genesis 1:1.  In this first part of the message, Pastor Zeigler starts to give us some context and background for this teaching.  He starts by recounting the story of when Jesus met the Samaritan woman at the well.  Historically, the Jews despised the Samaritans.  Accordingly, it was…

How to Feed Your Faith – Part 2

This week Pastor Garry D. Zeigler of Spirit Food Christian Center continues teaching his message titled “How to Feed Your Faith”.  The foundational scripture for this message is Luke 4:4.  In this second part of the message, Pastor Zeigler starts by examining the scripture that “man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God”.  When we allow God’s word to be the highest authority in…

How to Feed Your Faith – Part 1

This week Pastor Garry D. Zeigler of Spirit Food Christian Center teaches a message titled “How to Feed Your Faith”.  The foundational scripture for this message is Luke 4:4.  As Christians, our faith is vitally important.  We must accept God’s word as the final authority in our life.  If God said it, then we are to believe it.  It’s impossible for us to have faith if we disagree with God. God calls those things that…

Thy Will Be Done, on Earth as it is in Heaven

This week Pastor Garry D. Zeigler of Spirit Food Christian Center teaches a message titled “Thy Will Be Done, on Earth as it is in Heaven”.  The foundational scripture for this message is Matthew 6:10.  Pastor Zeigler starts by talking about our motivation for doing the things that we do.  He illustrates this by examining scripture in Matthew chapter 6 where it talks about prayer, and how some pray to be seen of men.  Yet,…

Do You Love God?

Do you love God?  That was the question on Pastor Zeigler’s heart this week during Sunday worship service.  This message does not follow our normal teaching format as we yield to a movement by the Holy Spirit.  We invite you to share this wonderful service with us. Don’t miss this anointed presentation, and watch our other video series on our YouTube channel.