“If ye had faith as a grain of mustard seed, … it should obey you.”
(Lk. 17:6)
WHAT? FAITH SHOULD OBEY ME? FAITH IS MY SERVANT? I didn’t know about this until I began listening to Pastor in faith class. Not to mention, I had no real need to move mountains.
But I did need to get the car tuned, buy groceries, do the laundry, stand on line at the Post Office, get paid to tend the plants in my apartment building, before I made all those tricky phone calls about insurance, computer problems, actual work, and that recurring pain in my neck. All in one day.
And I was usually too tired, too busy, and too bored by these errands.
But now I had this servant, who works for free. So I told my servant to wash the car, go to the Post Office, fold the clothes, and water the plants, all before lunch.
Now, yes, I was in the car and holding the hose in the garden, but everything seemed to go smoother and faster. And I let the servant stress, while I joked with the car wash guys, whizzed into parking spots, and noticed the butcher giving me the good cuts of meat. Most importantly, I relaxed, had more fun, found the time to be creative in my professional life, and thanked God when the servant rubbed my neck.
Now I give faith my daily list, and listen to faith when it tells me to chill. Everything doesn’t have to be done by lunch; this servant works 24/7.
Eda Zahl, 1st Year SOBI Student